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Here’s a Quick Way to Move QuickBooks Desktop to a New Computer

Small and medium-sized businesses widely use QuickBooks for accounting and related business processes as it provides user-centric tools and features. QuickBooks users may come across situations when they would need to change their computer system which requires them to move QuickBooks Desktop to a new computer. Through this article, we will go through the detailed procedure to transfer your QuickBooks on a new computer and would also analyze all the related aspects.

“If you come across any issue while moving your QuickBooks to a new computer and you need assistance from an expert, then contact QuickBooks Direct Support at 1-(855)-856-0042”

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How to transfer my QuickBooks to a new computer?

QuickBooks provides its user with the flexibility to transfer QuickBooks licenses from one computer to another. You should be prepared with the license number and the product number before initiating the transfer process. If you want to extract your product details from the original computer, then we have provided the steps below for you:

  1. Open the QuickBooks application on the original computer.
  2. Go to the ‘Help’ section.
  3. Click on the ‘About QuickBooks’ option.
  4. Note down the license number and the product number from the pop-up window that appears.
QuickBooks Product Information
QuickBooks Product Information

Now you have your product and license information. Install the QuickBooks application on the other computer, and then follow the below-mentioned steps to complete the license transfer process.

  1. Accept the license agreement when asked on installing the application on your Desktop.
  2. Enter your Product and License key when prompted.
  3. Press the ‘Next’ button.
  4. Open the QuickBooks application and then go to the ‘Help’ section.
  5. Click on the ‘Activate QuickBooks Desktop’ option.
  6. Follow the on-screen instruction and furnish the required info to complete the activation process.

How do I Transfer my QuickBooks Program to another Computer?

QuickBooks provides consumer-centric solutions, and if you are wondering how do I transfer my QuickBooks program to another computer, then it provides the Migrator tool to make the process easier for you. The Migrator tool will copy up to the last three company files to a USB flash drive. We have provided below the detailed steps to transfer QuickBooks through the Migrator tool.

Set up the Migrator Tool on the old Computer

  1. Reach the ‘File’ menu in your QuickBooks application.
  2. Click on the ‘Utilities’ section.
  3. Select the ‘Move QuickBooks to another computer’ option.
  4. Click on ‘I’m Ready’ and then create a one-time password.
Move QuickBooks to another Computer
Move QuickBooks to another Computer
  • You will need to choose the USB drive to transfer the file. Carefully choose the flash drive with enough space on it.
  • Copy the files on the drive.
QuickBooks Files Successfully Copied
QuickBooks Files Successfully Copied

Using the Migrator Tool on the New Computer

After completing the process on the original computer and registering QuickBooks on the new computer, insert the flash drive that you used earlier to copy the data. The Migrator tool would not launch automatically due to Windows security policies. Follow the steps as mentioned below to transfer the data.

  1. Open the flash drive folder from the Windows Explorer.
  2. Double-click on the Move_QuickBooks.bat file to start the Migrator.
  3. Enter the password that you had created earlier.
  4. Click on the ‘Let’s go’ button.
  5. The Migrator tool will finish the rest of the work for you.

What gets Copied when I Transfer my QuickBooks Program to another Computer?

If you are wondering that what gets copied when I transfer my QuickBooks program to another computer, then you should know that all the data needed to run QuickBooks gets copied on the new computer. No data is deleted from the old computer. List of the items that get copied are as follows:

  1. The application details, such as the QuickBooks version and other associated details.
  2. Last 3 opened company files.
  3. Financial statement data
  4. Local attachments
  5. Advanced reports.

Various configurations and protocols are not copied automatically on transfer due to security reasons. These have been listed below for you:

  1. Multi-user configurations does not get copied.
  2. Payroll and payment setup is not copied on transfer.
  3. Intuit Data Protect (IDP) needs to be configured again on transfer.
  4. Old company files are not copied automatically.
  5. Manual backups are also not copied automatically.

How do I Install QuickBooks from One Computer to another Manually?

QuickBooks provides a Migrator Tool which makes it very easy for users to move QuickBooks Desktop to a new computer, but if you don’t want to use it, then you must be wondering how do I install QuickBooks from one computer to another manually. QuickBooks provides the option to do that as well. You would need to register your QuickBooks separately and then also move your QuickBooks data. Follow the steps as provided below:

  1. Keep your Product info and license key available with you.
  2. Install QuickBooks Desktop on the new computer.
  3. Create a backup of the company file on the original computer.
QuickBooks Back Up Company
QuickBooks Back Up Company
  • Save the backup company file on the desktop of the original computer.
  • Move the backup file to the new computer through an external drive such as a flash drive.
  • Register QuickBooks on the other computer.
  • Restore the backup company file on the new computer.
  • You should download the latest tax table after moving the file.

You have successfully transferred QuickBooks from one computer to another manually following the above-mentioned process.

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What to do after Moving QuickBooks to a New Computer?

After moving QuickBooks to a new computer, you need to configure various settings in the new computer manually. You also need to copy a few items manually from the old computer to the new one. The following things need to be configured and moved manually:

  1. Sign in to your payroll & payment services as you would need to reconfigure the details again.
  2. Sign in again to your Intuit Data Protect (IDP) and set up the backup schedule.
  3. Transferring QuickBooks to a new computer moves only three recently opened company files. If you have other company files, then you should move them manually to the new computer.
  4. You need to create a backup of your data again on the new computer.

After performing the steps mentioned above, you would have completely transferred all your company data to the new computer.

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Through this article, we explained to you the detailed process to move QuickBooks Desktop to a new computer. You should be able to perform the transfer process easily using the steps provided above. If you face any issues and you need assistance from an expert, then contact QuickBooks Support Team at 1-(855)-856-0042.